Thursday, September 20, 2012

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."
Siddhartha Buddha Gautama

One with the Tribe

Nom Nom Nom Buddha

Siddhārtha Gautama: Total Bro

The guy who created Buddhism was way cool. For the first 29 years of his life he never saw anything depressing, because his dad was all like "There's no way this could backfire when he finds out that bad things exist." But then when he was 29, he was all like "I'm going to go outside for the first time ever! WHEEW!"
But then he saw an elderly guy and he was like "that aint cool, mang", then he saw a diseased guy, so he was all like "Whaaat? That is really not cool bro." Finally, he saw a dead guy just chilling there, and he was like "People die!? I didn't know death was a thing!"
So he doesn't like people who are old, dying , or dead.
He was once quoted saying:
"Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. "

Buddhism is Way Cool.

Buddhism is way cool. Buddhists believe that if you're a chill bro, you'll die and turn into a freakin' butterfly. That is so cool. They believe that if you do yoga every day, your spirit will be cleansed or something like that. That is so cool. Buddhism is way cool. They believe that if you're not a nice guy, you'll totally have bad luck. That is so cool. Buddhism is way cool.